Why Choose Jewelry Web Solutions:
You get a fully customized website and a personalized phone all, all included in the setup fee. Mandatory hosting and monthly extra for the maintenance. A POS system fully customized for easy day to day daily operation. A state of the art fully personalized system that would make your day to day operation a breeze. A system you would not living without down the road, that pretty much does it all for you. An interactive portal that would take your business to the next level
Website Design and layout:
Esthetics of a website, layout and flow is our expertise. Visually appealing and modern with all the tools at your fingertips. Making the website informational and giving you all the e-commerce tools to make online sales and drive business to your store. Right from your personal inventory to your vendors inventory to your diamond suppliers feed. All integrated to a smooth flowing web portal.
Mobile App Integration:
Most website developers in the jewelry industry do not make customized phone app because they are so expensive to make! And we provide you a personal customized app, all included in your one set up price. We not only help you put up your products on the website with a easy click of a button but also help you load some of your other vendors that you might have that you might want to showcase on your home page reflected on the app. With one click of a button on the app, you can announce a sale or any other thing to thousands of your customers. The app would also help you post google or Facebook reviews of your store. The app would also let you announce to your customers when their orders are ready and make a virtual appointment or video calls.
Importance of a Personal Jewelry Store Interactive Phone App:
Mobile users are spending 87 percent of their time in apps, versus just 13 percent on the web. Did you know that mobile app accounts for more than half of the Web traffic worldwide! In the 1st quarter of 2020 mobile devices generated 51.92% of global website traffic. Jewelry stores are losing out big time to the big giant chain store and jewelry internet sellers. Not because they have good service or great pricing, but simply because a consumer is so used to the idea of just clicking things away. Now that you've seen how users across the world download apps, it's time to analyze how people are using mobile apps. The average smartphone user spends 2 hours and 15 minutes each day using apps. According to official Google statements, more than 50 percent of search queries globally now come from mobile devices. It is the way of life now and what used to be the computer is the mobile phone now! So now you can have a piece of that action without paying anything extra for it! Do not lose any business over it or even lose your business. As we say here in the office: work smart – not necessarily hard! So, let us take your business to the next level! The mobile app we create and maintain for you would make 75% of your customers more likely to do business with you. Drive traffic to the store and help you generate e-commerce with a click of a button. You can reach out to Gen X and the millennials via the App. Help them buy from the App and send gifts. Your customers can also check on their repairs and you can talk to them via the app or text them or even send out sale information or any other message you might have, all with just click of a button. No more expensive Ad’s because your customers are the best customers out there! This would be your personal App. Not a vendor app that takes you to the vendor site and if your customer moves to a different area, redirects them to the vendors closest retail outlet – Try this if you have your phone. Take it to a different state or a few miles away and your app comes that other jewelers App. Such is not the case with what we make for you. It’s your own App and remains your app, no matter where your customer is geographically!
Making a virtual Appointment with your Customers:

In the age of mobile shopping and internet, we make life easy for you to talk to your customers virtually or via a video chat. Your customers set up a virtual appointment and you can talk to them via your website or phone app. Set up a virtual video call via the phone app or your web portal - Make a sale, show new product or talk about diamonds or whatever your customer might want to do have the consultation about – should he or she not be able to come to your store for whatever reason!
Custom Design page:

So, our team will custom design your web pages to your color and taste and it be all included. Keep in mind that we only make website for jewelry store and we have considered every aspect of the jewelry business in making this web platform for you. We can also customize things to suit your website needs.
Business emails from website via google:

Have a personalized email for each member of the store with their name - like name@yourstorename.com or whoever is handling your web business – they would have their own individual log in to be able to talk their customers either via the website emails or chat via the app – All with just a simple app click!
Bulk upload – Provision:
So this web portal that we would create for you, would have you sell your instore merchandise and help you with upload the inventory to your web portal and give access to your customers to view and shop via your website and your phone app.
Sales and special events:
This web portal and phone app can help you reach out to your customers with just click of a button and send a message to them via email and or message to their phone about any special events or sales you might want to have! Saving you thousands of dollars in new paper or radio advertising! All included!
Talk to your customers via text and own phone App:
You can talk to your customers via your own personal App. You an announce a sale or just simply tell them that their repair is ready, or they can ask you via the app about the status of a repair or custom piece or whatever question they might have. Typical a similar service like this runs you $400-600 per month for this service and it all included in this for you.
Shopping Cart – Included:
9 out of 10 jewelry store websites do not have a shopping cart, for cost reasons mainly. But not you can have this feature, all included at no extra cost to you. Yes, you can sell your product and your other vendors product via this app. What this means to you is added revenue when people cannot get out during a pandemic or just simply home browsing in their free time. Yes, the shopping cart we provide will have all the bells and whistles that is fully secured at no additional cost to you.
Live Chat - to your phone:
So is a interactive feather which is included in your app. It simple allows you to be in touch with your customer and allows your customers to ask questions or just simple as about a repair or sale that you are having! A direct line of communication with you or your staff.
Virtual Jewelry Try out:
This feature allows your customers to try on jewelry and see how it looks on them. A premium package feature included for your customers. Your customers can try on jewelry like rings on their hands or necklace around their neck – All with a click of a button on their app.
Search Engine Marketing -SEO & SEM
We not only help you with your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) but help with your SEM (Search Engine Marketing). All-inclusive for you, unlike other companies that charge you a premium surcharge for this service!
Social Networking Integration:
Just imagine getting all 5 stars review for your store from all the happy customers that are already in your store. All they do is go to your app and click on the social media button. It then takes them wherever you want your review posted: Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Pinterest! All with a click of a button and no addition charge to you!
Diamond Feet Integration:
We help integrate your diamond supplier thousands of diamonds on your website and with your customized markup – depending on your market. This is done in actual time and actual inventory management from your vendor!
HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, and instead of acting as its own application layer protocol, it uses separate protocols called SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and TLS (Transport Layer Security). So what does it mean to you: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is the secure version of HTTP, the protocol over which data is sent between your browser and the website that you are connected to. The 'S' at the end of HTTPS stands for 'Secure'. It means all communications between your browser and the website are securely encrypted.
SSL Stands for secure sockets layer. Protocol for web browsers and servers that allows for the authentication, encryption and decryption of data sent over the Internet. The web server sends the browser/server a copy of its SSL certificate. The browser/server checks to see whether it trusts the SSL certificate. If so, it sends a message to the web server. The web server sends back a digitally signed acknowledgement to start an SSL encrypted session. - Included.
We can help take customers past right your competition and help you with your geotargeting campaigns with on google or Facebook within a certain zip code or a certain mile’s radius around your store! Best advertising dollar spent!
Auction Portal - Included ( Coming soon)